August 2, 2016: Greenlight Disappoints Again, Attributing Disasters and Drowning in Low Rates

Chris Westfall
Chris Westfall

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

Looking, Quickly, for the Fingerprints of Climate Change

New York Times

Scientists like Dr. van Oldenborgh of the World Weather Attribution are trying to do studies much more quickly, as close to the event as possible.

False Smartphone Alert of Huge Earthquake Triggers Panic in Japan

The Guardian

‘I prepared to die,’ one person tweeted after erroneous alert said magnitude-9.1 quake had struck

The Fifth Tropical Storm of the Season Could be Less Than 24 Hours from Being Named

Washington Post

The National Hurricane Center is giving the system an 80 percent chance of becoming at least a tropical depression by Wednesday morning.

Typhoon Nida Batters Southern China After Shutting Down Hong Kong


Large areas of southern China are on emergency alert as a powerful typhoon batters the region.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Greenlight Re Posts Fifth Loss in Six Quarters on Investing


Greenlight Re is seeking to recover from the 20 percent loss on Einhorn’s investments last year.

Insurers: Forced to Dig Deep

Financial Times (sub may be required)

The industry is overhauling its business model after being badly affected by low interest rates.

A Comeback for Mutual Insurance?

Swiss Re

By leveraging new technologies, mutuals can continue to build on their recent renaissance and potentially launch a new era of mutualism.

Every Business and Government Should Prepare to be Fort McMurray

Globe and Mail

We do not have a very full and robust picture of natural catastrophe risk in Canada.