December 16, 2016: London's ILS Investor Risk and a Model for Florida Tsunami 

Chris Westfall
Chris Westfall

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

Study Models Tsunami Risk for Florida and Cuba

University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science

Research suggest that large submarine landslides off Great Bahama Bank in the past were large enough to generate tsunamis.

Climate Scientists Adjust as Trump Builds Team of Oil Allies


The early reactions may foretell a broader shift in the U.S. climate science community.

A Quest to Put Sea Level Rise Data in Your Pocket


A new climate change app uses interactive data maps to engage users and prompt the exploration of questions related to changing sea levels and climate vulnerability.

Global Warming’s Fingerprints Seen in 24 Weird Weather Cases


A new scientific report finds man-made climate change played some role in two dozen extreme weather events last year.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Does The Increased Competition In The ILS Market Pose A Risk To Investors?

S&P (video)

Standard & Poor’s Associate Director Maren Josefs discusses the impact the continued capital inflow has on this market and the risks we see for investors.

Foreign Reinsurers to be Operational in 6-9 Months: IRDA

India Today

Liberalising the sector to foreign re-insurers will break the monopoly of GIC Re.

EU Test Results Show Insurers May Have to Cut Dividends – Watchdog


Insurers may have to scrap dividends after a test of their ability to withstand severe market shocks.

Enstar Launches Reinsurer KaylaRe

Press Release (via Yahoo)

Hillhouse Capital and Stone Point Capital are backing the vehicle.