· 1 min read

December 8, 2015: A Flood of Bad News and After Ebola

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

Climate Change Brews Perfect Storm of Food Woes

Scientific American

Farming will be hard hit by global warming but could also help reduce greenhouse gases.

Disease Specialists Identify Post-Ebola Threats


Scientists to assemble a rogues’ gallery of viruses likely to spark the next international public-health crisis.

First Code Improvements Adopted Based on NIST Joplin Tornado Study


New changes approved at a recent meeting of the International Code Council (ICC) apply to the nation’s most tornado-prone regions.

Putting the Science in Science Policy

MIT News

Faculty and students from the Program in Atmospheres, Oceans, and Climate visited our nation’s capital to build relationships with policymakers on both sides of the aisle

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

British Insurers Rethink Models After Repeat of 100-year Floods


Insurers in Britain have been adjusting their forecasting models to cope with more frequent floods.

AIG Sees India Claims Rising to Decade-High on Worst Floods


Eight U.S. web giants have joined hands to start a public campaign for new lion how governments collect user information amid concerns of growing online surveillance.

Storm Desmond’s Floods Could Cost Insurers Between £175m and £250m

City AM

Based on its analysis of the costs of the previous floods, PwC also estimated today that the total economic costs would be £400m to £450m.

How Keurig Green Mountain Burned David Einhorn Again


The second time wasn’t a charm for the short-seller after all.