February 10, 2015: Securitizing Healthcare, Lloyds Wants In Down Under and Advancing Forecasts

Chris Westfall
Chris Westfall

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

How NOAA’s Hurricane Hunters Are Helping California Battle the Drought


California is the wrong side of the continent for hurricanes, but pilots and crew are chasing a different type of tropical weather system.

As Extreme Weather Increases, A Push for Advanced Forecasts

Yale 360

Scientists and meteorologists worldwide are harnessing advanced computing power to devise more accurate, medium-range forecasts that could save lives and property.

Re-Creating a Tornado in 3-D Provides a More Effective Way to Study Storms


Re-creating a storm enables researchers to see the entire storm in 3-D, which offers great potential for research into how they form.

For Texas Seismologist, Quakes Will be the Easy Part

Texas Star Telegram

A state native is expected to explain why some long-steady Texas towns have lately begun to shake.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Risk-Spreading Tools for Healthcare Financing

Healthcare Finance 

Health insurers are starting to look beyond traditional reinsurance – and examining the merits of other risk spreading tools.

Lloyd’s Supports Opening the Australian Market to Foreign Insurers

Sydney Morning Herald

Lloyd’s of London has thrown its support behind a federal government’s decision to allow unregulated foreign insurers to offer cover to Australians.

J. Craig Venter on DNA and Life’s Mysteries

WSJ (sub may be required)

The implications our growing knowledge of DNA holds for medicine and human longevity.

Investors Fret Allstate is Sacrificing Margins for Growth

Crain’s Chicago

Allstate CEO Tom Wilson attempted to reassure analysts on a Feb. 5 conference call that the fourth quarter was a blip.