Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today
CSIRO Modeling ‘Must Continue’: Finkel
The Australian
Dr Finkel said CSIRO needed to guarantee a succession plan for its crucial work measuring and modelling the region’s climate.
For Coastal Towns to Prepare for Deadly Storm Surges, They Must Accept that Disasters Can Happen
The sea is moving up the beach, and storms are coming. But most people don’t think the catastrophes will happen to them.
Fires Are Increasing in Warming World, but a New Model Could Help us Predict Them
The Conversation
Using a machine learning approach to model future bushfire hotspots – in short, a form of artificial intelligence that allows the model to learn on its own.
President’s 2017 Budget Proposes $1.2 Billion for the USGS
The FY2017 budget request includes developing the ground system for Landsat 9; developing enhanced mapping tools and products and advancing landscape-level sciences.
Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today
Longevity Risk Transfers
Bank of England (direct to PDF)
“[We] would be concerned if firms became active in this market for reasons other than seeking genuine risk transfer.”
Generali Appoints Galateri Interim Chief as Greco Leaves
“The unexpected departure of the CEO leaves Generali in a precarious situation.”
Crop Insurance Targeted for $18 Billion in Cuts
The crop insurance industry noted how the regular re-opening of the farm bill is a frustrating situation that is bad for business and farmers alike.
Global Catastrophe Recap
Aon Benfield (direct to PDF)
January winter weather causes $4bn loss to global economy, according to Aon catastrophe report.