· 1 min read

February 12, 2015: A Warning Shot for Northeast Hurricanes and Fosun Wants Insurance Deals, Loeb Doesn't

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

Evidence of Extreme Hurricane Activity May Forebode Stormier Future for Northeast

Washington Post

The study may emphasize the danger in becoming complacent about hurricane landfalls.

Is a Potentially Catastrophic Earthquake on the Way In Siberia?

Siberian Times

Dozens of major tremors recorded this year as scientists monitor ‘unusually strong seismic activity’ that will one day tear continent in half.

Extreme Weather Exposes the Vulnerability of Our Cities to Climate Change

The Conversation

Increasing weather severity should be prompting a debate about global climate change mitigation.

Val Parghera:- A Fascinating Stop Motion Aideo of a Large Rockslide

The Landslide Blog

One of the notable aspects is the thawing of the snow cover as the landslide movement event proceeds.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Fosun Targets Deals in Japan and Europe

Finance Asia

Insurers are the focus of the Asian conglomerate attempting to replicate Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway.

Loeb’s Reinsurer Shuns U.S., Europe Deals on Investment Rules


Third Point Reinsurance Ltd. said buying a competitor in the U.S. or Europe could clash with its business model.

Insurance Claims on the Rise As Snow Piles On

Boston Globe

These weather-related losses are likely to get worse in coming weeks.

Insurance Offers New Hope to Africa in Fight Against Drought and Natural Disasters

Independent UK

ARC Ltd, a Bermuda-based mutual insurance company, which was backed by UK and German government agencies, sits at the heart of the programme.