· 1 min read

February 19, 2015: Australian Double Cyclones and $1B Cyber Insurance Minimum

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

Cyclone Marcia and Cyclone Lam Intensify, Approach Queensland, NT

The Australian

Trpical Cyclone Marcia is expected to grow into a category five storm as its “very destructive core” moves into coastal Queensland.

How a Satellite Is Transforming Earthquake Monitoring


The European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1A was launched just last year, and it’s already proving its importance as the first satellite actually optimized to target areas of seismic activity.

Swine Flu Deaths at 663, People Affected Cross 10,000 

Economic Times

Swine flu deaths have soared to 663 across the country while number of people affected by it breached the 10,000 mark as the virus spread to new places like Nagaland.

Why Can You Fly Into A Hurricane, But Not A Thunderstorm?

Huffington Post

When flying, pilots avoid thunderstorms like the plague. Yet, so-called “Hurricane Hunters” have no problem flying straight into hurricanes. How can this be?

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Swiss Re Offers Cash to Shareholders as Reinsurance Rates Fall


Fierce competition, and falling prices for the risk cover they provide insurance company clients, mean reinsurers are preferring to return money to their investors.

8 Tax Loopholes the Obama Administration Could Close


5. Close the hedge fund reinsurance loophole.

Cyber Attack Risk Requires $1bn of Insurance Cover, Companies Warned

Financial Times (sub may be required)

Eight U.S. web giants have joined hands to start a public campaign for new lion how governments collect user information amid concerns of growing online surveillance.

FEMA in Settlement Talks Over Sandy Flood Insurance Claims


he Federal Emergency Management Agency is working to settle lawsuits by hundreds of Hurricane Sandy victims who challenged denials or alleged underpayments of flood insurance claims.