February 27, 2015: Third Point is Disappointed, Insurers Ready to Wrap Tax Game and Influenza Is Becoming a Real Risk

Chris Westfall
Chris Westfall

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

NASA Satellites Show Rain in Detail Like Never Before


Data from GPM could also help inform climate and weather models because it provides a three dimensional view of precipitation.

Warning Signals From the Volatile World of Influenza Viruses

World Health Organization

The current global influenza situation is characterized by a number of trends that must be closely monitored.

What Can NZ Learn from Japan About Earthquakes?

The Press

The Japanese Government is so certain of an impending earthquake that it has already given it a name – the Tokai Earthquake.

Cyber Attacks Top US National Threat List

Computer Weekly

Politically motivated cyber attacks are now a growing reality, and foreign actors are reconnoitering and developing access to US critical infrastructure systems.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Third Point Re Report Fourth Quarter 2014 Earnings Results

Press Release

“The overall results for the quarter were disappointing due to challenging investment market conditions”

Tampa Insurer Buys Out Agreement with Firm Tied to Activist Investor Joseph Stilwell

Tampa Bay Business Journal

1347 Property Insurance Holdings Inc. is cutting ties with 1347 Advisors LLC,

As Hedge Fund Returns Falter, Money Continues to Flow In

New York Times

Another year, and another mediocre performance by hedge funds, to put it kindly.

Leaks on Tap

The Economist

Some insurers have approached banks, offering to “wrap” batches of undeclared accounts and investments in insurance, thereby providing an extra layer of protection from prying eyes.