Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today
The Quest to Predict Severe Weather Sooner
A global software platform called Model for Prediction Across Scales, or MPAS, aims to be next-generation sever weather global model.
This Disaster Simulator Prepares Tokyoites for the Next Big Earthquake
Researchers are simulating earthquakes on a macro and micro level in order to inform disaster response.
Insurers Getting Smarter About Assessing Cyber Insurance Policy Risks
Dark Reading
2016 shaping up to be a year of greater maturity in how insurance companies underwrite their cyber insurance policies.
Momentum for Insurance; No Panacea for Tackling Climate Risk
Bloomberg BNA
A Q&A with David Bresch, head the Sustainability & Political Risk Management Unit at Swiss Re.
Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today
Cargill Joins Wells Fargo, Deere in Retreat From Crop Insurance
The U.S. crop insurance market has been abandoned by some of its largest companies as uncertainty about federal aid clouds the business’s future.
AIG Makes Late Push Toward Mediocrity
Reuters Breakingviews
A renewed push to improve returns will only take the mega-insurer toward mediocrity.
Zurich Insurance Poaches Generali Chief Mario Greco
Zurich issued a profit warning last week for its general insurance business, its second in four months.
Leadenhall Capital Partners Launches New Catastrophe-Bond UCITS Fund.
Leadenhall Capital Partners launched an UCITS investment fund late last year that marks the firm’s first liquid alternative fund dedicated to catastrophe bonds.