January 30, 2015: Another Chinese Firm Shopping for Another Euro Insurer, Startup Focuses on Private Weather Data

Chris Westfall
Chris Westfall

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

A New Global Swarm of Weather-Sensing Satellites

The Atlantic

Armed with tiny orbiting sensors, a startup plans to build the world’s largest database of private weather data.

Flooding Leaves Mess in Oceanfront Massachusetts After Storm


Increased flooding is a problem up and down the New England coastline that has been exacerbated by rising sea levels.

Building a Better Weather Forecast? Fine-scale Soil Moisture Data will Soon Help

Scientific Computing

Better soil moisture observations are just what the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission will provide.

Cities Sizzle with More Heat Waves, Hotter Nights

LA Times

Despite its cheap energy and other advantages, America is still losing ground to emerging markets in the battle for foreign investment.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

China’s Greenland Group Unit Plans to Buy European Insurer, Bank


Chinese financial institutions have been taking advantage of increasingly relaxed regulations by diversifying.

New Type of Insurance Protects Firms from Troublesome Spokespeople

WSJ (sub may be required) 

American International Group is now offering insurance that protects against a fall from grace. It isn’t for us normal people. It’s for celebrities.

UK Lawyer Warns of Cyber-Insurance Loopholes

SC Magazine

A leading UK lawyer has said that cyber-insurance can play a part in a business cyber-security strategy, so long as the risks are understood.

Chubb Profit Falls 1.9% to $558 Million on Investment Income


Property-casualty insurers have been struggling with low bond yields that pressure investment returns and increased competition as hedge funds seek to bet on weather-related risks.