Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today
Without Global Warming, Paris Floods Would Have Been Far Less Likely to Occur, Study Finds
The analysis found that the probability of three-day precipitation extremes in April through June increased by at least 40% in France overall due to climate change.
The Fort McMurray Wildfires: An Indication of What’s to Come
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
SEAS researchers predict that wildfires will only get worse, more frequent with climate change
El Nino Has Ended, Now Farmers Need to Worry About La Nina
While El Nino has dried up rice crops across Southeast Asia, cocoa fields in Ghana and sugar cane in Thailand, La Nina holds its own challenges for farmers.
Hydro Tasmania Asked to Explain Cloud Seeding in Catchment Day Before Flooding
Tasmania’s government-owned energy company has been asked to explain why it conducted cloud seeding he day before flooding began this week.
Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today
New Zurich CEO Starts Overhaul by Combining Businesses
Greco said the new structure would lead to further redundancies but that it was too early to quantify these.
Gross Says Negative Rates Are Like ‘Supernova’ That Will Explode
He said in a June 2 note that the era nvestors should eventually take positions to protect principal or profit from market declines.
Lloyd’s Eyes 8-10% Annual Growth in India Business
Times of India
At present, the state-run GIC Re is the sole re-insurer in the country but Lloyds will soon jump in.
When the State Wilts Away
Bloomberg Businessweek
In weak nations, environmental stress can tip society into catastrophe.