· 1 min read

June 13, 2016: Iran Studies ILS, Terrorism Risk Morphs from Bombs to Guns and Beale's Dials Up Brexit Risk

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

Terrorists Are Turning To Guns More Often In U.S. Attacks


Experts say the increased use of guns in terror attacks is an alarming trend.

Greater Risk of a Big Earthquake Along Much of Pacific Coastline

Asahi Shimbun

There is an increased probability of a strong earthquake striking areas along a vast stretch of Japan’s Pacific coastline within 30 years compared with two years ago.

High Waves During Storm? New Forecast Model Tries to Predict


The USGS is running its coastal change forecast model to predict how far a storm’s waves will push water up the beach.

Scientists Use Climate, Population Changes to Predict Diseases


British scientists say they have developed a model that can predict outbreaks of zoonotic diseases.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Lloyd’s CEO Inga Beale: Brexit is One of the ‘Top Three’ Global Risks


Lloyds put the Brexit in the top three, noting that a market shock or crash was the top risk to global gross domestic product.

Sri Lanka’s Investment in Disaster Risk Insurance Gives Fast Payoff


Around the world, insurance is increasingly being looked at as an effective way to curb the blow of more frequent or powerful disasters brought on by climate shifts.

IRC Professional Panel on Planning and Establishment of ILS Supply System in Iran    

Insurance Research Center (Iran)

The first meeting of the professional panel on planning and establishment of insurance-linked securities in Iran was conducted at IRC.

A New Broom at Zurich Insurance

Handelsblatt (sub may be required)

Things have not been running smoothly at Zurich Insurance for some time. Now the new head of the company, Mario Greco, has announced a kill-or-cure remedy.