Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today
Land Near San Andreas Fault Is Rising and Sinking: New Earthquake Research
The vertical movement is the result of seismic strain that will be ultimately released in a large earthquake.
Forest Service Survey Finds Record 66 Million Dead Trees in Southern Sierra Nevada
Four consecutive years of severe drought in California, a dramatic rise in bark beetle infestation and warmer temperatures are leading to historic levels of tree die-off and wildfire risk.
EU Referendum Voters Wade Through Water as Floods Hit South-East
People heading to polling stations to vote in the EU referendum have had to wade through deep waters, as torrential rain fell on parts of London.
The Philippine Government Staged Gory Post-Apocalyptic Scenes in the Streets as a National Earthquake Warning
The capital region of Metro Manila has been a particular focus for the heightened earthquake education initiatives.
Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today
McKenzie Wants Review of Jamaica’s Relationship with CCRIF
Jamaica Observer
A minister suggested that accessing benefits from the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility should be addressed in Jamaica’s review of its relationship with its Caricom partners.
Are US Cities Prepared for a Post-Hurricane Sandy Future?
General Electrical announced that the location of its new international headquarters would be squarely inside a flood zone, but GE won’t pay more because of the increasing risk of flooding due to sea level rise.
UK Sets Sights on Insurance-Linked Securities Market Rich in U.S. Investors
The UK is contemplating bold regulatory moves that aim to make London a hub for insurance-linked securities, and snatch an advantage in a market dominated by U.S. investors.
Development Funding ‘Must Involve Risk-Planning’ Says UN
Public Finance
Just $13.5bn of the $3tn spent on development aid over the last two decades was spent on ensuring development was protected from disasters