· 1 min read

June 27, 2016: Rethinking Lloyds Post Brext, the Mortality/Climate Link and Chinese Insurers Take Big Risk

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

Roller-Coaster Temperature Swings Increase Risk of Dying, New Study Finds

South China Morning Post

People living in places with wildly swinging temperatures are more vulnerable to health problems such as heart attacks, respiratory ailments, and increased heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Brexit Could Knock the UK From Its Top Spot in Science and Research


Initial calculations indicate that the UK stands to lose around £1 billion of science funding a year in the wake of the referendum result.

OSU Researchers Urge Preparedness as the Cascadia Subduction Zone Threatens

The Oregonian

In the next 50 years, he said, scientists believe there’s a 37 percent chance of a magnitude 8 to 9 earthquake striking somewhere along the northern half of the West Coast.

Climate Change Forcing Builders to Rethink How They Design Structures, Expert Says


Extreme nature disasters like the Fort McMurray wildfire has resiliency at the forefront of builders’ minds.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Brexit Threatens Lloyd’s London Insurance Market

FT (sub may be required)

Lloyd’s, the insurance market, is likely to be an early loser from the UK’s vote to leave the EU, as the insurers that use its London hub prepare to shift some of their operations out of the country.

Chinese Insurers Run “Titanic” Risks for Titanic Returns


Years of breakneck growth for China’s top insurers has been partly fuelled by a splurge on risky investment products

QBE Says Loss of ‘Passporting’ Rules to Operate in EU Post-Brexit ‘Not Material’

Australian Financial Review

The market is concerned about weaker economic conditions flowing through to QBE’s revenue in the UK and EU, where it earns almost one-third of its gross written premium.

AIR Worldwide Introduces Earthquake Model for India

Press Release

The historical event set spans more than two centuries: from the magnitude 8.8 Chittagong event in 1762 to the magnitude 7.8 Nepal event in 2015.