Starr Must Cover Costs Of Govt. Probes, Reinsurer Says
Law 360 (sub may be required)
Starr has wrongly denied coverage to Beechwood Re for costs it faced in response to the collapse of hedge fund manager Platinum Partners.
Pollution Liability Insurance Plan Gets Government Push
China Daily
China is quickening the pace of putting together its compulsory environmental pollution liability insurance implementation plan.
British Scientists Face a ‘Huge Hit’ if the US Cuts Climate Change Research
The Guardian
Academics fear Donald Trump’s environmental policy may put an end to key data from US agencies.
JPMorgan’s Risky Bonds Plan Lost Billions, Insurers Claim
“They saw steadily increasing risks and bad news and they did nothing in response.”
Disaster Risk Reduction: An Insurance Policy For Sustainable Development
Huffington Post
Leaders need to ensure that disaster risk reduction is fully integrated into Canada’s development and humanitarian programming.