Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today
New Storm Surge Watch/Warning Maps to be Tested in 2015 Hurricane Season
The National Hurricane Center will issue prototype color-coded maps showing storm surge watch and warning areas during the 2015 hurricane season, which begins June 1.
Be Pandemic-Ready, Bill Gates Warns the World
Vancouver Sun
Billionaire tells Vancouver TED conference that a new level of readiness is needed.
In Italy, Researchers Blast Proposal to Ban Seafloor Mapping with Air Guns
Science Insider
Seismic surveys are often used to identify new sources of oil and gas, as well as earthquake-generating faults or magma chambers that could create volcanic eruptions.
Top Hurricane Expert: Climate Change Influenced Tropical Cyclone Pam
Washington Post
Scientists are pondering what role Earth’s changing climate may have had in the destructive potential of the storm.
Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today
Hedge Funds No Longer Attractive for Banks, Reinsurers
Institutional Investor
As greater capital requirements push firms like Swiss Re to unload their hedge fund stakes, asset managers are buying up the positions.
Citizens Property Insurance Shrinks to Record Low
Tampa Bay Times
State-run Citizens Property Insurance’s policy count has shrunk to its lowest level since its creation 10 years ago.
Budget 2015: Plan to Turn London into Cat Bond Centre
FT (sub may be required)
George Osborne has set out plans to make London a global centre for catastrophe bonds and other esoteric vehicles that are transforming the insurance industry.
BCE Longevity Swap Harbinger of Deals to Come
Pensions and Investments
The deal involving Sun Life is the first of its kind in Canada.