Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today
Rising Seas Lift an Industry
MIT Technology Review
For the Dutch masters of water management, climate change is a boon.
New Research Reveals Chances of Mega-Earthquake in the Aleutian Islands
University of Hawaii Ka Leo
There is a nine percent chance of a magnitude nine or greater earthquake occurring in the Aleutian Islands in the next 50 years.
Why the Effects of 2016 El Niño Trumped Climate Change in the Alberta Wildfires
The Conversation
What climate phenomena could have led to the persistent warm, dry conditions and the extreme fire events?
Ecuador Hit by 6.7 Earthquake; President Says No Damage
The epicenter was the fishing village of Mompiche on the Pacific coast, and only some “small damages” had been caused.
Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today
Insurance Broker Warns on Financial Groups’ Cyber Attack Cover
FTNext (sub may be required)
Financial services companies vastly overestimate how much insurance they have against a cyber attack
Credit Suisse Takes Out Insurance on Itself
WSJ (sub may be required)
The Swiss bank wants investors to help fund its exposure to operational risks
Florida’s Hurricane Fund Has $17 Billion Available
Florida Times Union
Florida’s continued lucky streak when it comes to dodging hurricane is helping a key state fund reach its best financial shape ever in the two decades it has been in place.
Mark Carney Backs Insurance for Developing World
FT (sub may be required)
Finance leaders aim to help countries cope with natural disasters.