· 1 min read

November 10, 2016: $400 Billion at Risk in Florida, Modeling Heatwaves and Zurich's Work Continues

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

We’ve Learned a Lot About Heatwaves, But We’re Still Just Warming Up

The Conversation

Heatwave trends have increased in the observational record, and, unfortunately, that they will continue to do so.

An Ancient Tsunami That Ended a Civilization Gets Another Look

New York Times

Pyroclastic flows, rather than a caldera collapse, destroyed an ancient culture.

Plasmids Shown to Play Key Role in Spread of Antibiotic Resistance

Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology New

Researchers at the University of Oxford report that plasmids are one of the key culprits in spreading the major global health threat of antibiotic resistance.

What Will President Trump Mean for Science?

Washington Post 

“The consequences are going to be very, very severe.”

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Zurich Insurance Sees More Work Ahead Despite Q3 Beat


Chief Financial Officer George Quinn said more work remained to achieve improvements targeted under new management.

PWC: Climate Change Puts Over $400 Billion Of Real Estate In Florida Alone At Risk


The impact in states such as Florida is expected to be dramatic, for instance, with nearly 934 million homes at risk of being underwater, impacting 12.56% of the housing stock and costing $413 billion.

Sydney’s Greatest Perils: Floods and Storms

Sydney Morning Herald

Bushfires might dominate the summertime headlines but storms and flooding pose the biggest disaster risk to Sydney’s economy.

Hannover Re Says 1 Bln-Euro Annual Profit in Sight After Q3 Rise

Reuters via Daily Mail

The world’s third largest reinsurer posted a 20 percent rise in third-quarter net profit to 304 million euros on Thursday due to strong results in both its reinsurance business and investments.