· 1 min read

October 28, 2016: Big Changes In US Mortality, AMP Pulls Reinsurance Lever and Weather Service Plans Big Cuts

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

National Weather Service Criticized for Moving Away From Local Forecasts


The government agency is planning to go from a full to a part-time operation, while moving away from local forecasts.

Why Scientists Keep Changing the Forecast for a La Niña Winter


Climate predictions are like romantic comedies—are full of will they/won’t they suspense.

IMD Plans to Move its Weather Data to the Cloud

The Hindu

The India Meteorological Department  is looking to transfer its massive troves of data into the cloud.

Post-Hurricane Haiti, Unfiltered


A natural catastrophe takes away from those who already have so little in this world.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Americans Are Dying Faster. Millennials, Too


People who predict death for a living have some bad news.

Govt, Insurers and Victims Agree on Disaster Insurance Scheme

Jakarta Post

The Finance Ministry allocated about Rp 4 trillion for disaster management in the revised 2016 state budget, but Indonesia needs about Rp 15 trillion a year for disaster management.

Swiss Re Covers China’s Guangdong Against Cyclone, Rainfall Losses


Swiss Re has agreed as sole reinsurer to protect seven prefectures of Guangdong province in China against losses from tropical cyclones and excessive rainfall.

AMP’s Radical Reinsurance Move

Money Management (Australia)

AMP Limited has been forced to take radical action within its insurance business, implementing a ‘significant’ reinsurance arrangement with MunichRe.