Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today
Powerful Earthquake Hits an Already Rattled Italy
New York Times
An earthquake, believed to be the strongest to hit Italy since 1980, struck the center of the country on Sunday.
Prone to Earthquakes and Volcano Eruptions, Should Italy Prepare for ‘The Big One’?
Daily Beast
A series of devastating earthquakes have killed hundreds and destroyed scores of towns and villages. But it may only get worse.
Hurricane Coming? You’d Better Believe It This Time
The Guardian
Thanks to computing power, forecasters can track events such as Hurricane Sandy with pinpoint accuracy.
6 Ways New York City is Preparing for the Next Superstorm Sandy
Business Insider
Damage caused by future storms will be exacerbated by sea level rise — estimates suggest that by 2050, Sandy-sized storms could flood nearly 25% of New York City.
Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today
Managing for Short and Long Horizons
Pensions & Investments
Last year a leader that oversees the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund challenged the hurricane fund’s conservative allocation and low return.
Inga Beale of Lloyd’s: Brexit means “very, very difficult times ahead”
Australian Financial Review
Business is not going to hang around waiting for the [UK] government to spell out what their vision is for their negotiating position.
President of Lloyd’s Japan Talks About Solutions for Specialist Business Risks
Japan Today
Iain Ferguson argues the insurance industry emerged from the financial crisis relatively unscathed, change is still afoot in the industry, not least for Japanese firms.
Blockchain is Empowering the Future of Insurance
The embers of innovation are beginning to char the massive $1.2 trillion underbelly of the largest industry in the world.