· 1 min read

September 23, 2016: Questioning Catastrophe Pricing, Looking Down on Fracking Quakes and How Will Hank Defend Himself

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

Satellite Radar May Help Predict Human-Caused Earthquakes

Scientific American 

Ground that deforms above wells where wastewater is injected could be a telltale sign of trouble to come.

An Exploding Volcano Slowed Global Warming. Briefly.


Climate predictions were fine. The problem was Pinatubo, and bad timing.

Climate Change Threatens World’s Coffee Supply, Report Says

New York Times

The report emphasizes the threat warming temperatures pose to farmland.

Weather-Wise, It Was a Summer of Extremes

Washington Post

Heat waves, floods and droughts caused damage and loss of life on several continents.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

The Looming Storm in Insurance

WSJ (sub may be required)

Prices for catastrophe cover keep falling, but now there are signs risk looks to be increasing too.

Carney Says Green Finance Can Help Prop Up Global Economy


Carney has been making the case for the past year urging investors to more carefully evaluate the risks of climate change and start tilting funds toward industries that avoid greenhouse gas pollution.

What to Watch for in the Hank Greenberg Trial

New York Law Journal

It could make for dramatic theater in a case focused on nuanced and difficult-to-follow transactions involving reinsurance, losses and accounting rules.

China Rules on Default Swaps Get Sceptical Response


China’s debt load growing, especially in the corporate sector.