Warren Buffett

What Berkshire Talks About When It Talks About Insurance Members Public

Buffett and Berkshire on Florida exposure, GEICO frustrations and how they were “forced” out of banking and fell into insurance.

Chris Westfall

Buffett: Float, Not Climate Change or Catastrophes Are Berkshire’s Reinsurance “Worries” Members Public

Warren Buffett is more concerned about global interest rates and the reinsurance industry’s declining float then the possibility of a climate change induced super-catastrophes. “If super-cats become costlier and more frequent, the likely – though far from certain – effect on Berkshire’s insurance business would be to make it larger

Chris Westfall

Buffett Says Life Reinsurance Mistake Now a “Gem,” Commercial Push Will Become “Major Asset” Members Public

Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffett spent a large portion of his 50th anniversary investor letter [http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/2014ltr.pdf]talking up his vast insurance and reinsurance operations, but called the company’s life reinsurance book and the start-up  focused on commercial insurance for a special nod. Buffett

Chris Westfall
berkshire hathaway