August 16, 2016: Death Trade Upends Hedge Fund, U.S. Hurricane Losses Will Balloon and QBE Brexited

Chris Westfall
Chris Westfall

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

High-Income Does Not Protect Against Hurricane Losses

Environmental Research Letters

US financial losses from hurricanes are likely to drastically increase this century, with losses per hurricane tripling by 2100.

Peru Earthquake Damage Being Assessed; Aid Flowing to Region

WSJ (sub may be required)

While the quake was moderate in size for Peru, it caused significant damage to buildings as it occurred only 6 miles under the surface.

U.S. Taps Supercomputer to Help Predict Dangerous Flooding


The new computer model will draw data from more than 8,000 U.S. Geological Survey sites to simulate 2.7 million locations in the 48 contiguous states.

2016 Is Already A Year Of Historic U.S. Weather Events

Huffington Post

Just a little over halfway into 2016 and this year is shaping up to be another defined by extreme weather events exacerbated by climate change.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Hedge Fund Manager Profited From Death Arbitrage


Eden Arc Capital Management survivor option trade caught the eye of regulators.

A.M. Best Releases Best’s Insurance-Linked Securities & Structures Methodology

AM Best

The final criteria contains just minor changes relative to the version released for comment.

Asian Funds Pile Into Alternative Assets as Traditional Returns Slide


Zurich’s Asian division is considering investing in private debt while Bancaire Privee said it was switching clients into insurance-linked securities.

QBE Lifts Dividend as Profit Almost Halves Amid Brexit Margin Squeeze

Sydney Morning Herald

Challenges were “particularly evident” in the Australian and New Zealand operations, which had been hit by “cumulative pricing declines concurrent with heightened claims inflation.”