August 24, 2016: Quakes Strike Italy and Myanmar, TWIA Punts on Rates and Florida Eyes First Hurricane Strike in a Decade

Chris Westfall
Chris Westfall

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

At Least 38 Dead as Italy Earthquake Reduces Towns to Rubble


The 6.0-magnitude tremor hit at a depth of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) around 43 kilometers from the town of Rieti

6.8-magnitude Earthquake Strikes Myanmar, Tremors Felt in Bengal, Bihar and Assam

Times of India

The quake struck 143 km west of the city of Meiktila at a depth of 84 km.

Tropical System Eyes Florida, Southeast U.S., May Develop Into Hurricane

USA Today

What’s now just a disorganized mass of thunderstorms 1,600 miles from Miami could develop into the first hurricane to hit Florida in nearly 11 years.

Solar Energy Gets Boost from New Forecasting System


The system greatly improves predictions of clouds and other atmospheric conditions that influence the amount of energy generated by solar arrays.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Brazil Mulls Fund to Finance Farming Insurance, Valor Says


The Brazilian government is considering the creation of a private-sector fund to help subsidize insurance for farmers.

TWIA Board Votes Not to Raise Rates, Questions Raised

Southeast Texas Record

The Insurance Council of Texas believes the board’s decision does not protect the financial security of TWIA for its policyholders.

Swedroe: Revised Catastrophe Bonds Worth A Look

The evidence supports the theoretical benefits regarding the diversification that cat bonds provide.

US Mortgage Insurers Step Into the M&A Light

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Arch Capital’s purchase of UGC underlines industry’s renaissance.