Risk Science & Finance: What You Need to Read Today
How A Deadly Heat Wave Led To Disastrous Floods 2,000 Miles Away
Mesoscale convective systems are starting to be understood.
Warren Buffett Extends his Dominance of Retroactive Reinsurance
The Economist
Berkshire Hathaway completes the largest purchase ever of “long-tail” reinsurance risks.
New Weather Satellites Can Spot Floods Before They Happen
With GOES-16’s, scientists can monitor everything from poisonous sulfur dioxide emissions from volcanic eruptions to melting snowpacks
Reinsurers ‘Might Want to Re-Negotiate’ in Aftermath of Kaikoura
Insurance Council CEO has said international reinsurers were “mildly interested but not deeply disturbed” by the Kaikoura damage.
Can Underwater Sonar Canons Stop a Tsunami in Its Tracks?
“This study has provided proof-of-concept that devastating tsunamis could be mitigated by using acoustic-gravity waves.”