· 1 min read

January 6, 2016: Freezing Out Europe, Lloyd's of China and Japanese Insurance Robots

Risk Science & Finance:What You Need to Read Today

Transforming Satellite Data into Weather Forecasts

A NASA project spans the gap between research and operations, introducing new composites of satellite imagery to weather forecasters to prepare for the next generation of satellites.

Conditions That Form More Hurricanes Also Protect U.S., Study Finds
New York Times
When climatic conditions favor a lot of hurricane activity, they also create a buffer zone.

Japanese Insurance Firm Replaces 34 Staff With AI
BBC News
Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance is laying off the employees and replacing them with a system that can calculate insurance payouts.

Scientists Might Be Seriously Underestimating the Risk of a Major Freeze in Europe
Business Insider
Changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation could freeze out Europe.

New Direction to Ride Out Perfect Storm
China Daily
What Lloyd’s of London chairman John Nelson sees is a “perfect storm” facing the global insurance market.