July 13, 2016: Pension Fund Jumps Into Cat Bonds, Hurricane Drought Record and Insurers Stress Over Stress Test

Chris Westfall
Chris Westfall

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

U.S. Experiencing Record Hurricane Drought, Just 4 Strikes in 7 Years

USA Today

That’s the fewest in any 7-year stretch since records began a few years before Abraham Lincoln was elected president.

Crop Losses From Typhoon Nepartak top NT$1 Billion

China Daily

Lawmakers and their allies who want to rein in big banks are ready to pounce if it isn’t strict enough.

Insurers, Banks and Pensions Face Climate Change Risk: Institute


Climate change poses “a real and potentially devastating risk” to investment portfolios.

Meteorologists Shouldn’t Just ‘Stick to the Weather,’ They Should Openly Discuss Climate Change

Washington Post

Climate change is a scientific reality, and it’s one that is modifying the weather in important ways.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Draghi Bazooka Elevating Stress Levels as Insurers Face Test


The timing of the regulator’s “stress test couldn’t be worse as the results will be rather negative.”

Chubb Sees Higher Catastrophe Losses Due to Storms, Wildfires


The insurer said on Tuesday it expects pre-tax losses to total $390 million in the second quarte

ABN Amro Scheme Targets Emerging Market Debt, Catastrophe Bonds


ABN Amro’s €23.5bn pension fund in the Netherlands has started investing in catastrophe bonds.

Hail Damage Claims Piling Up for State Crop Insurance Program

Billings Gazette

Hail damage claims for Montana crops are nearly double what they’ve been in recent years, according to the Montana Hail Program.