March 12, 2015: Value Investing With Catastrophe Bonds and Vanuatu Braces for Generational Storm

Chris Westfall
Chris Westfall

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

Rapid Coastal Population Growth May Leave Many Exposed to Sea-Level Rise

The number of people potentially exposed to future sea level rise and associated storm surge flooding may be highest in low-elevation coastal zones in Asia and Africa.

Vanuatu Braces for Worst Cyclone in at Least 28 Years

WSJ (sub may be required)

South Pacific island nation prepares for cyclone Pam that could strengthen to Category 5.

Japan Marks Anniversary of Devastating 2011 Tsunami


Cities across Japan have marked the fourth anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that left more than 18,000 people dead or missing.

Hurricane-Smashed Texas Barrier Island is a Magnet for New Development; Defenses Remain Pending


Debate continues among Texas and federal authorities over whether to build the “Ike Dike” and Dutch-style storm surge gates to protect the bays and the Port of Houston.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

A Value Investing-Based Approach To Catastrophe Bonds And Tail Risk Hedging


While the fundamentals of cat bonds are different than the fundamentals of a traditional bond, value investing pplies just as much to cat bonds as it does to other bonds.

Climate-Change Talks Could Pave the Way for Private Investment

Institutional Investor

Institutional investors hope the upcoming U.S. Climate Change Conference will make it easier to back projects that combat global warming.

Indonesia Shariah Insurance Growth Attracts AIG


Indonesia’s Islamic insurance industry is expanding three times as fast as Malaysia’s.

Lloyd’s of London Targets Foreign Investors for New Business


The Lloyd’s market has seen a flurry of deals as increasing competition and tighter capital rules weigh on premiums.