March 16, 2015: Turning Up the Cyclone Dial to 6 and Banks Can't Buy Insurance Love

Chris Westfall
Chris Westfall

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

A Cyclone Destroys a Nation

The Atlantic

Pam, a Category 5 storm, has left most of Vanuatu’s population homeless.

Cyclone Pam: Is it Time for a Category-6 Cyclone Rating?

Sydney Morning Herald

The unusual strength of Cyclone Pam may stir debate about the need for a category-6 rating for storms to reflect their increasing severity.

Ebola Could Cause Thousands More Deaths — By Ushering in Measles 


Ebola outbreak is creating layers of health risks for developing countries.

Garcetti Hopes to Have L.A.’s Quake Retrofit Laws in Place This Year

LA Times

Mayor Garcetti is moving to get his far-reaching earthquake retrofit laws in place by the end of the year.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Hedge Funds Opt for Predictability Over Risk

FT (sub may be required)

“Institutional investors are now prepared to target lower returns from their hedge funds, with lower volatility, than in the past.”

World Bank Group Statement On Cyclone Pam

World Bank Group

The World Bank is exploring the possibility of a rapid insurance payout to the Government of Vanuatu.

Banks Exposed as Scandals Leave Insurers Wary of Providing Cover

FT (sub may be required)

Large banks struggle to purchase protection for many of their biggest operational risks at sensible prices.

MetLife Wins $500M CRE Mandate From Reinsurer

Globe St.

MetLife Real Estate Investors said it has won a $500-million mandate from a reinsurance company to invest in US commercial real estate loans.