November 28, 2016: Ireland Makes a Play for ILS Market, Japan's Earthquake Insurance Problem and What Do Hurricanes Really Cost?

Chris Westfall
Chris Westfall

Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today

Hurricanes Become More Costly

The Guardian

As the 2016 Atlantic hurricane season draws to a close, the eye-watering cost is becoming ever more apparent.

Scientists Model Mass Gatherings, Identify the Risks of Large Crowds


“Physical body-to-body contacts are the foundation for potentially dangerous collective motion,” said researcher Arianna Bottinelli.

Moderate Earthquake Strikes Near Mount Everest in Nepal

New York Times
The United States Geological Survey said Monday’s earthquake had a magnitude of 5.4.

Despite Declarations, Israeli Cabinet Avoids Labeling Fires as Terrorist Acts


‘Terror’ definition would force state to compensate victims.

Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today

Old Habits Hold Back Japan Earthquake Insurance


Japan has an earthquake insurance penetration that remains astoundingly low.

The Fundamentals of Catastrophe Bonds

OFI Global (firm site)

Portfolio manager Caleb Wong details the investible catastrophe bond market in a series of videos.

EQC Pushes Ahead With Big Staff Cuts Despite 7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake

Ar the end of October, EQC had about 5000 outstanding remedial requests.

How Ireland Can Fulfill its ILS Potential

Finance Ireland (via Walkers Global – direct to PDF)

Ireland is looking to state its claim to the catastrophe bond market.

Ireland’s Central Bank Boosts Staff for Brexit Insurers

Financial Times (sub may be required) 

Ireland’s insurance regulator has increased its staff numbers by more than a quarter ahead of an expected influx of applications from London-based insurers