Risk Science: What You Need to Read Today
When Will New York City Sink?
New York Magazine
Even locals who believe climate change is real have a hard time grasping that their city will almost certainly be flooded beyond recognition.
Supercomputer to Boost Global Warming Data
The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) selected Juniper Networks to provide infrastructure for a new supercomputer that will perform 5.34 quadrillion calculations per second.
Magnitudes for Oklahoma Earthquakes Shift Upward
The magnitude revision is based on further in-depth analysis of seismic recordings.
Uncharted: Exploring one of America’s Fastest Faults
A team of USGS scientists spent 10 days in the wilderness, exploring one of the fastest-moving faults in America.
Risk Business: What You Need to Read Today
Lloyd’s Wins Right to Fight in N.Y. Over Oklahoma Quake Coverage
Lloyd’s of London has kept its lawsuit against New Dominion LLC over fracking out of the state where the ground is shaking.
Standard Chartered Hedge Funds Lawsuit Highlights Derivatives Risk
Institutional Investor
The British bank faces a lawsuit after underwriting a convertible bond deal that left investors with worthless stock.
Moody’s Sees Weak Reinsurance Prices Into 2018
Reinsurance premiums could fall by up to 5 percent next year and may continue to weaken into 2018.
Public Officials Benefit Association to Invest $36.6 mn in Cat Bonds
Pulse (South Korea)
South Korea’s pension manager Public Officials Benefit Association together with other institutional investors such as pension service will invest 40 billion won in catastrophe bonds.