insurance linked securities

ESG Pivot Turning Into a Hard Sell for ILS Managers Members Public

A year embracing the ESG sector has not translated into bigger investor mandates or growing AuM.

Chris Westfall
insurance linked securities

Sans Modelers, London ILS Task Force May Expand Members Public

The group tasked with making “the UK a more attractive domicile “ for insurance linked securities (ILS) does not include representatives from the firms responsible for measuring their risk, although a representative said that group may consider including catastrophe modelers at a later time. The ILS Task Force of the London

Chris Westfall
insurance linked securities

XL Investment Chief Stepping Down to Focus On Alternatives Post Catlin Deal Members Public

Sarah Street, XL Group’s chief investment officer for over a half decade, is stepping down from her position to take on a new role to focus on alternative risk transfer structures. Street will “assist in the further build-out of other alternative capital efforts, and continue to lead key-innovation initiatives,

Chris Westfall