RMN Weekly

The free Sunday newsletter of exclusive RMN stories, along with news updates from the world of risk finance, markets and models.

Insurer Model Drift Is On BoE's Fast Track In 2024 Members Public

A letter sent to insurance CEOs last week said that "model drift" had become a priority for the BoE in 2024.

Risk Market News
RMN Weekly

Private Equity-Backed Life Insurers, Reinsurers Should Expect "Intrusive" Valuation Checks Members Public

Global and US regulators are preparing for a focus on private equity's valuation practices in life insurance and reinsurance.

Risk Market News
RMN Weekly

What Catastrophe Model Users Said About 2023 And Where They Are Heading in 2024 Members Public

With catastrophe risk increasing on the radar of insurance and reinsurance stakeholders, 2023 force many executives to focus on their modeling and how its applied to both capital allocation and pricing.

Chris Westfall
RMN Weekly